Add background image to library
Add MoveImg image to Library removing all red pixels
Create a style for page with the image as background
Create a style for the image
Create a style for the text col-blavk using Ascii16 font
Define a page named "pageName" with style "pageStyle"
Postion Image entity on at 240,136
Create Key that runs inline function that positions
image entity at the TOUCHX, TOUCHY coordinates.
Create Text entity that explains what to do
After loading show the page named "pageName"
STYLE(pageStyle, Page) { image = background; }
STYLE(imageStyle, Image) { curRel=CC;}
STYLESTYLE(textStyle, Text) { font=Ascii16; col=Black; }
PAGE(pageName, pageStyle)
POSN(240, 136);
TEXT(text1,"Press Screen To Move Ball",textStyle,320, 254);