Commands SETUP(interface) { } >> see HARDWARE LIB(lib_name,file_location); SETUP(system) { } INT(int_name,source,int_func); RESET(name); FPROG(); FEND(); INC(file_name); Update
information is provided at |
These commands
relate to setting up the system prior to running the application. The interface commands have been given there own sections within HARDWARE Example: SETUP(system) {startup=none;} //no start up information shown on boot screen INC("NAND/vars.mnu"); //include file of global variables INC("NAND/styles.mnu"); //include file of entity styles SETUP(RS2) {baud=38400;rxi=y;txi=y;proc="\\0D";encode=sd;} //set up RS232 port INT(async3v3,AS1RXD,funcrecv); //start RS232 receive interrupt using function funcrecv. LIB(backimg,"NAND/backgnd.jpg"); //load NAND background image file into RAM LIBRARY |