I2C Sensor Board Demonstration

In this demonstration we show you how the iSMART TFT can be used with sensors.

In this example we have a board with an accelerometer, light sensor and temperature sensor on it connected to the I²C port.  As well as two potentiometers connected to the ADC inputs.

The accelerometer controls the movement in the X and Y axis of the blue circle within the rectangle on the right hand side of the display.

The temperature and light sensors show their respective outputs in the squares in the centre. By using the iSMART TFT Calc function it is possible to show these outputs on different scales and we can change the scale by touching the reading.

The two potentiometers  create a swing in the voltage and the iSMART TFT represents  these by the two bars on the left hand side of the display.

This demonstration as well as all the others on this page can be downloaded from the Project Examples section