Network Demonstration


In this demonstration I will show you how the iSMART TFT can be connected to a LAN Network. In this example a TDXTRACT G3 LAN Ethernet port is connected to the Async port which is connector 3 on the iSMART TFT.

We have connected both iSMART TFT's to the network by using an Ethernet cable connected to these ports.

The first step is to decide which module will be the host, to set a module as the host press the mode button, the status will then read 'Host Mode'.

The next step is to set up the IP address and port of the module and the module you wish to connect to.

To obtain the IP address of the module on the network press 'Set IP' a keypad will then appear where you can enter the IP address. To obtain the current IP address press 'Obtain IP' you can then enter this and press apply, you will then need to enter the port number.
You will need to do this on both modules.

You will then need to connect the modules to do this click on the connect button on the host module, the status will then read 'Connected' and the connect button will disappear.

Once Connected the LED indicator and keyboard chat will be enabled. The LED indicator will change the colour of the LED on both displays when the switch or the indicator is pressed.

To activate the chat mode you will need to press the green keyboard button, once pressed both modules will display the keyboard, you can then enter messages which will appear in the top left box and on the press of the enter key it will send  to the other display and show up in the right box, the close key will close both modules chat mode.

The project also has a multi-lingual instruction panel on the left hand side, to change the language press the flag of the desired language and the instructions will translate.